Afterschool Offerings
After school time, spent indoors or out, is eagerly anticipated and gives the kids a chance to play with friends, build structures, relax with a book, or work on a project. Your tuition includes supervised care before school (from 8:05 to 8:15) and after school, under the direction of our P.E. teacher Coach Johnson, from 3:15 until 5pm.
Enrichment ProgramsWe are very pleased to present a wide range of after-school enrichment opportunities for our students. These classes give our kids the freedom to express their creative sides and the chance to delve deeply into areas of their own interest.
Current offerings include:
Please note: Enrichment class arrangements, financial and otherwise, are made directly with the providers. GATE is not involved in these arrangements, and does not supervise your children when they are in these classes. We are, however very happy to make it possible for these classes to take place on campus! Please email us to check for current offerings.